Little Lady Locks was founded in 2018 by Ashley Higgins, a hair professional specialising in hair loss and passionate about providing solutions.

Whilst working with adult hair loss clients, Ashley was continuously hearing often traumatic and troubled childhood stories, caused by hair loss and the lack of affordable solutions that would help disguise their very public condition.

Ashley explains that “All of their childhood stories are so distressing and hearing about how they got bullied and became isolated from the world, really moved me and I knew then that a change was needed. 

Fully aware of the costs involved in hair replacement systems, I felt sad because when I was a child, I knew that my mum wouldn't have been able to afford these costly hair services.

I trialled hair replacement systems on 5 year old Harper and 15 year old Ruba and the results were fantastic. Both children and their families would constantly say how it has changed their lives and the children had regained their old confidence.

I was so overwhelmed to see how something that I had done had impacted so positively. I felt like this was my calling card, the more and more children I helped I began to realise that my life had a meaning and a purpose and Little Lady Locks was born.

Our hope is that one day the world will not be so vain and cruel and young girls and boys will stop being bullied because of how their hair looks. Unfortunately, that is not the case in current society and that’s where Little Lady Locks plays its part."

Little Lady Locks make, supply and fit wigs, hair replacement systems, accessorise, hats and headbands with hair extensions to cover hair loss patches.  

All of our hair services are completely free of charge to anyone under the age of 18 who are suffering with hair loss, living anywhere in the U.K.

If you would like to help us on our mission to help our little ladies please use the links below.

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